Christmas presents wrapped with string and decorations

The ultimate wellness gift guide

Christmas 2022 is just around the corner and your mind has probably wandered to gifts. Perhaps you’re looking for something memorable for your bestie or maybe you want a Secret Santa pressie that gets talked about for all the right reasons?
If you really want to go the extra mile this festive season and impress your friends and family with a great gift that they actually need, you should buy something depending on their unique dosha type. Don't know their dosha? Take our quick Dosha Quiz: The Friends Edition.
In fact, by knowing exactly what makes them tick - emotionally, physically, and mentally - you can guarantee that your pressie will stand the test of time.


Happy and healthy holidays

First up, if you want to find a gift that your loved one will rave about, you need to identify their individual dosha. If you’ve followed us for a while, you’ll know what we’re talking about. If not, let us explain. According to Ayurveda, we’re all made up of three doshas - Pitta, Kapha and Vata - but we have a more dominant one which determines the way we are. 
By knowing our unique dosha type as well as the signs of an imbalance, we can tweak our diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine to restore a little harmony. It’s not just about the way we act though as our doshas play a massive role in our overall health and wellbeing. So, if you want to give a gift that really does keep on giving, read on to discover our holiday gift guide for each dosha.

The Deja Christmas Wish List

For Pitta types

Fiery, intense, and passionate, Pittas know what they like and what they want. But after a full year of striving for perfection, it’s likely your Pitta pals will be getting a bit tired come December. This can cause havoc on their overall health and wellbeing as well as cause digestive concerns. With that in mind, this season, our top gifts for Pittas include:

1. Luxury spa day


Why? The combination of work responsibilities, life admin and day-to-day goings on can take its toll on all of us but especially Pittas. Characterised by the fire element, Pittas are ‘hot under the collar’ and prone to feelings of anger, frustration, and irritability. This can lead to burnout.

So, if you want to help the Pittas in your life, a day at the spa is a perfect way to soothe away concerns. You could even go one step further and book a massage with essential oils as well as a healthy lunch that’s as good for their body as it is for their soul. 

2. Ayurvedic Starter Kit

Why? Self-care goodies like some essential oils, a sweet-smelling candle, and an eye mask are a great way for your Pitta friend to unwind in the comfort of their own home. But if you really want to help busy Pittas to slow down, it’s got to be our very own Ayurvedic Starter Kit - the perfect introduction to the Deja way of life.

The kit contains our bestselling Mind Balance capsules and our Copper Tongue Scraper. Boasting a blend of 11 Ayurvedic superherbs, the capsules help your brain and body to cope with stressful days and promote feelings of calm - which is ideal for Pittas who are more prone to getting stressed and burned out, especially at the end of the year. Not just that but it boosts brain power and improves mood - thanks to ingredients like Ashwagandha, Brahmi and Amla.

Plus, by adding tongue scraping into a morning routine, Pittas can enjoy better breath and oral hygiene, less toxins and bacteria, and improved digestion. Small steps like this are a great way to add a little self-care into a Pitta’s daily routine - which is essential for keeping them happy and healthy.


3. Glow Wild Latte Powder 

Why? We know that Pittas can suffer with stress, and this can also cause pesky breakouts! At Deja though, we have a gift that will help your Pitta pals to find some me-time and support skin breakouts too. 
Containing a blend of skin-cooling herbs including Rose Powder, Manjistha and Sariva, the Glow Wild Latte Powder provides anti-inflammatory and detoxifying benefits. All your Pitta friend has to do is mix it up with a milk of their choice and find a quiet spot to enjoy it!


Stocking filler idea: Pittas are visually oriented so a gift for the home always goes a long way. Think a candle, some artwork or, failing that, be sure to wrap your gift nicely!

For Vata types

Creative, light, and airy - Vatas are artistic, individual, and easily distracted. For this reason, a gift that celebrates their uniqueness is a good idea - and preferably one that gets their brain juices ticking. This year, why not gift the Vatas in your life with a:


1. Activity day

Why? Vatas love trying new things so you could book an experience day or sign up for an activity that you’ve both had your eye on. It doesn’t need to be action-packed as Vatas are just as happy with experiences that make them feel calm and secure. In fact, this is a great way to combat their cold, light and sometimes erratic nature. 
Peaceful activities like meditation or yoga can help or you could even look into a mindfulness and breathing workshop. Not only will this balance Vatas but it can reduce a build-up of stress and anxiety after a busy year.


Full Lattes Bundle

Why? Vatas are known for their flowing nature and benefit from a daily routine that brings them back down to earth. Journals and planners can add structure to their day and are an easy way to arrange thoughts. Plus, with the addition of our Full Lattes Bundle, it’s never been easier for Vatas to create a ritual that’s good for them and easy to enjoy.  

Containing a trio of 100% natural, organic, and vegan latte powders, a gift like this has everything your loved one needs to chill, focus, and connect. With a delicious chocolatey taste, and adaptogenic and aphrodisiac qualities, Love Cacao blends a herb and spice mix of Shatavari, Ashwagandha, and Maca to satisfy sweet cravings and leave Vatas feeling their sexiest. 

Our Glow Wild Latte combines a blend of skin-cooling herbs such as Rose Powder, Sariva, and Manjistha resulting in a glowing and healthy complexion. And, like Ayurveda’s Golden Milk, our Gold Powder Latte offers the zing of a morning coffee - with even more benefits - and no comedown.


2. Healthy Digestion Kit

Why? Vatas are the most prone to feeling stressed compared to any other dosha. This can result in feelings of anxiety and loss of appetite as well as digestive issues. As we know though, Ayurveda says good digestion is key for good overall health and mental wellbeing so why not give your Vata friends a little help this festive season - when stress and burnout is common - with our Healthy Digestion Kit.

Containing our bestselling Rest & Digest capsules and a Copper Tongue Scraper, this kit soothes and detoxifies your digestive system, removing bacteria and toxins. Ginger and Triphala, which are found in the capsules, also stimulate healthy digestion, and maintain stomach health. It’s super easy to add this kit into your daily routine too which, as we know, is important for Vatas. 

Stocking filler idea: Light and airy, Vatas can struggle with stress and anxiety but a daily massage with essential oils can ground them. We say, give your Vata friend some gorgeous smelling goodies to boost their me-time.

For Kapha types

Sentimental, nurturing, and grounded, Kaphas enjoy quality time with their friends and family, and you could describe them as a homebody! Kaphas like harmony, seek comfort in their lifestyle and are the most stable dosha type. This festive season, the Kaphas in your life are sure to love:

1. A scrapbook of memories 

Why? Reliable, compassionate, and loyal, Kaphas are described as steady and calm. Often the person that holds their emotions together, Kaphas can struggle to let go during the tougher times and might not talk about how they’re feeling. But burying emotions can lead to feelings of anxiety and a build-up of stress.

Why not remind the Kaphas in your life of all the good times you’ve had and sit down for a catch up? For a thoughtful gift, you could print out your favourite photos and find a nice frame or even create a scrapbook of memories. Alternatively, heading outside for a walk and talk is sure to help them to unwind during the festive season. 

2. Gold Kit 

Why? Kaphas might be laid back, but they can also be resistant to change. When faced with feelings of stress, they can even become reclusive and lethargic. During the festive season, when it’s common for routines to be less strict, Kaphas can struggle to adapt, which is why a gift like our uplifting Gold Kit can help them to maximise the winter months. 

In it, they’ll get our Gold Power Turmeric Latte Powder which, just like Ayurvedic Golden Milk, boosts energy levels and immune systems - thanks to the likes of Ashwagandha. Our Golden Shield Turmeric Capsules go one step further by blending Turmeric, Ginger and Ashwagandha to provide powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits all over the body. Plus, because this is Christmas, the kit contains a limited-edition Gold Latte Spoon for the ultimate Instagram-worthy pictures. 


3. Double Defence Bundle 

Why? During busy and stressful times, just like the festive season, Kaphas can end up comfort eating, and their heavy and cold nature can be aggravated. This can have an impact on their digestion and overall health. But, Deja’s Double Defence Bundle which includes our Rest & Digest capsules and our Gold Shield capsules has everything the immune system needs to fight through the colder months. And, Ayurveda says this has a direct impact on digestion. 
Gold Shield blends anti-inflammatory ingredients like Turmeric, Amla and Ashwagandha to boost overall health, and Rest & Digest has antioxidant properties like Ginger, Fennel, Long Pepper, and Triphala to soothe and cleanse the gut. Together, this Ayurvedic duo helps to build Kaphas up and maintain their health. 
Stocking filler idea: Kaphas like to be cosy and value quality time. If you’re asking us, a bundle of fluffy socks, a soft blanket and a scented candle is just the thing.

For all dosha types

Not sure which dosha your loved one is more dominant in? Don’t worry, we’ve got a few Ayurvedic treats that everyone will enjoy. 

1. Ayurvedic All Star Bundle

Why? Containing our complete selection of Ayurvedic supplements, the Ayurvedic All Star Bundle includes capsules that support healthy digestion and boost your mental health, which as Ayurveda says goes hand in hand. 

Gold Shield blends anti-inflammatory ingredients like Ginger, Turmeric and Ashwagandha to give immune systems that much-needed support. Rest & Digest contains Ginger and Triphala to detoxify, soothe and cleanse your gut, which also supports a healthy immune system. And Mind Balance, which contains a whopping 11 Ayurvedic super-herbs helps to keep your mind calm and focused. Together, this trio of Ayurvedic products is a sure-fire way to make sure your body and mind can make it through the holidays.

2. Full Lates Bundle 

Why? With a 100% natural, vegan, and organic latte powder to help you to chill, focus, and connect, our Full Lattes Bundle has something for every kind of dosha. With a deliciously moreish chocolatey taste, Love Cacao boasts aphrodisiac and adaptogenic qualities and helps you to tune into your desires. Glow Wild combines skin-purifying herbs like Rose Powder and Sariva to leave you with a glowing complexion. And, based on the famous Golden Milk recipe, our Gold Power Latte Powder gives you the zing of your morning coffee, without the bad bits, and boosts immunity too. 


Stress-free shopping this festive season (and beyond)

Of course, when it comes to Ayurvedic holiday gift ideas - whether it’s for a friend, family member, or yourself - we have plenty of treats not featured in this Ayurvedic gift guide that are good for overall health and mental wellbeing. Plus, our Ayurvedic experts are more than happy to help you to find the perfect pressie for your loved ones. Just drop us a message and don’t forget to keep an eye out on social media for a few festive offers. 
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